Wednesday 1 April 2015

Top Places To Find Your Next Employees By Mauricio Villamarin Martinez- A Skillful CEO

If you are gearing up to hire this year, then you must be thinking where to post your job listing so that you can attract productive and efficient employees. Various websites like Linkedin, Monster and Indeed top the list, as many employers and employees search their desired jobs through these portals. But, you should not always limit your search of finding talent on these websites as many employees throw their presence on other than these websites, says Mauricio Villamarin Martinez, a highly successful and respectedChief Executive Officer from New York.

According to Mauricio, though these websites do a commendable job, but should always widen your search. Various social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc, can also prove beneficial in finding the productive resources of your company.  If you get to search over the Internet, you would find a number of job portals from where you can find talent.

MauricioVillamarin Martinez and American Hope Group- a real estate companybased in the New York shares a good association. Mauricio, taking advantage of his ingenious skills and capabilities  was able to improve the productivity and performance of the company.  He always conducts good research over the Internet to get a hold of his next employees.  Mauricio believes, if you adopt rightful methods, you can reach to informed decisions. He suggests business owners to broaden their search and take time before they reach to conclusions.

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