Monday 13 April 2015

Mauricio Villamarin Martinez Explains the Importance of Proper Time Management

As the famous saying goes “time is money”. If you have known the art of managing time, you can work wonders. But most of us fail to manage time as required and end up landing in undesirable circumstances. A Successful CEO- Mauricio Villamarin Martinez based in a company in the New York has shared a valuable guide on the importance of time management.

Mauricio says, time never waits for anyone. But you need to plan your things according in a timely manner in order to pace with the speed of time.  Every task, if we talk in terms of business, should be completed in a stipulated period of time.  And at the same time, every task passes through different phases. These phases are unimportant, important and then urgent.  Mauricio advises, to complete the task when it is in the important phase as it will help you not to land in the undesirable circumstance in case it reaches the ‘urgent’ phase and you are not able to complete it.

Mauricio Villamarin,a successful CEO is always up to date about the latest trends in the industry. Further, Mauricio explains  you may also put up a calendar on your working place so that you can get a clear picture of which things are to be completed by when.  It will help you to plan accordingly. Also, rightful planning plays an important role. When you plan everything precisely, you can make good use of time.  Time is your biggest wealth, try to make judicious use of it, believes Mauricio Villamarin Martinez.

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