Tuesday 23 June 2015

How to make your employees work for the success of your business by Mauricio Villamarin Martinez

It is very true that an efficient and well managed team is the best tool to achieve any business goal. But the reality is that managing people is the toughest part if one is not well versed in dealing with different type of people.

Mauricio Villamarin Martinez Highlights the Importance of Teamwork in Business Success. He says that if handled and utilized properly the human resource is the most valuable of all the resources. Now, the most obvious question is what are the distinctive qualities required to manage a team. There are two important elements for building strong relationships at workplace- these are trust and respect. The first essential is that every person should have respect for his fellow team member, this in turn helps in building trust.

Mauricio Villamarin Martinez is an exceptionally successful Chief Executive Officer in a U.S. based company. He has a word of guidance for all the aspiring managers and leaders. He says that first and foremost important thing is the proper assignment of duties. The duties and responsibilities of each of the employee or team member should be well defined. The managers or the leaders need a build a supportive environment in which each employee or team member is ready to help other. Another very important factor he says is to choose your employees with care. He suggests a comprehensive and stern policy should be made for all the existing and prospective employees. All the employees need to be addressed with equal standards. Lastly he advises that the expectations should be clearly defined and conveyed to the employees.

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