Monday 1 December 2014

Customers are the Key to a Successful Business states Mauricio Villamarin

Customers are the key ingredient in your business. As the saying goes ‘the customer is always right’.  Mauricio Villamarin says that businesses are built on relationships .Good relationship with patrons mean more work and more profit and a good reputation which is always a plus. 

Mauricio Villamarin is a CEO of a reputed organisation and he points out that there are different ways to enhance and improve customer relationship in your business. These are

A Satisfied Customer Always Comes Back
Since businesses are based on relationships, a happy customer is a returning customer. Happy customers refer the services to their friends and family and thus the business gets new users. This is how brand loyalty is established and the business grows.

Keep Expectations Real
It is important to set realistic targets for your customer service. If you make unrealistic promises and cannot deliver your reputation will be damaged and you will lose business. However, if you under promise and deliver more than expected, it will set a good example of your competence.

Be ready to Help
Business is all about making connections. Try to build connections with the people you meet and see if you can help them in any way no matter how little that is. This will pay bonuses in the future and build your network.

Document Properly
Proper documentation is very important for maintaining good rapport with the customers. You should have records of every transaction and communication with your customers to maintain transparency.

A Quick Response
Prompt response to a customer’s enquiry can mean a lot. A simple reply, for ex, ’message received’ makes all the difference. And more important is getting back to that enquiry as soon as possible and try to solve it.

Be Persistent
Last but not the least is to be persistent in your follow ups. Set up reminders and follow up older leads so that you know where they are. A good salesperson is all about being tenacious. Customers appreciate a persistent effort by businesses to meet their requirements.

Today’s competitive world says Mauricio Villamarin is all about customer management or customer services. So while the basic purpose is to cater to the customers the added connotation is to set realistic expectations and fulfil that.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Do You Have it in You? Mauricio Villamarin Helps You Discover Your Leadership Qualities

“If you are not a born leader, you can become one,” says Mauricio Villamarin, the CEO of a famous corporation in New York. A lot can be learnt from valuable and rich experience of Villamarin corporate world. He believes that each individual is unique and possesses a distinct leadership style. Some tend to discover it early while others take time. Understanding and discovering your niche leadership style, is the key to success. Here are some tips on discovering your own leadership styles by Mauricio Villamarin:
Think as a Leader
Have you ever imagined how to act as a leader? Well, to know your skills as a leader, you need to act like one. Simply imagine the way you will deal with others at different situations and list down the best way you think is to handle a situation as a leader. In case, you like to demonstrate the way a specific task is undertaken, you are a dominant leader. It is a good quality to have. However, make sure where to draw the line. 
Mauricio Villamarin says being too dominating can be dangerous. Some prefer waiting for others to kick-start and then pointing out errors. This is referred to as supportive leadership style. All you need to do is avoid getting too supportive to your team members. If you like to speak to your team members, get to know their problems, and learn with them, you are an interactive leader. This is also a good quality to have. However, a healthy blend of dominating, supportive, and interactive leadership quality can make you a successful leader.
Consider you Job Style
Once you start imagining the way you would lead your team and decided to imbibe a healthy fraction of dominating, demonstrating, and interacting leadership qualities, it is time for you to match these qualities with the job, project, or activity you would handle. For instance, a target based project will demand strictness and discipline on your part. So follow discipline yourself and make it clear to your team members too. According to Mauricio Villamarin, following certain requisite strategies is the best way to discover one’s leadership qualities.
Discovering leadership qualities is all about knowing yourself and believing that you are leader.
To know more about leadership strategies and tips, read - Mauricio Villamarin’s Effective Strategies to Improve Confidence as a Leader

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Mauricio Villamarin’s Tips to keep Customers Happy

“Keeping the existing customers happy and urging them to come back for more is a much tougher task than attracting new customers,” says Mauricio Villamarin, CEO of a company in New York. When it comes to business, retaining the old customers is considered to be a smart marketing move.
In order to retain customers, companies should make sure that they meet all the customer requirements and keep them happy. Here, Mauricio Villamarin shares a few tips which would help the companies to keep their customers happy and retain them:
  • Know your Customers – Understanding the needs of the customers is very important as based on this knowledge the companies can deal efficiently with the customers and offer them what they need. This could be done by conducting meetings one on one meeting with the customers or conducting a survey which would help the company to understand what the customer expects of them.
  • Innovation - Mauricio Villamarin claims that bringing in new ideas for products and services is a very exciting way to make the old customers happy and at the same time attract new customers. The company should always think of novel ways to market their goods and products and keep their customers happy.
  •  Immediate Response to Complains – When it comes to addressing complains, customers expect quick response and follow ups from the company and to take steps to control or eradicate the problem. “Quick responses to complains is the sure shot way to keep the customers happy and retain their trust in the company”, says Mauricio Villamarin.  
  • Being Different – The companies should try to be different from their competitors so that they do not become the part of the mass crowd in the market. They should think of ways to be different by offering something which the customers might not find anywhere else.
Mauricio Villamarin claims that these tips will definitely help a company to keep its customers happy and retain them in the long run.
Looking for tips to succeed in business? Read - Mauricio Villamarin’sTips to be Successful in Business.